Geographical skills: Describing the UK
I can use maps and geographical skills to investigate the geography of the UK.
Geographical skills: Describing the UK
I can use maps and geographical skills to investigate the geography of the UK.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- The UK has a range of landscapes, settlement types, land uses and industries.
- We can use maps and other data sources to investigate differences in life across the UK.
- We can use geographical skills to investigate differences across the UK.
Land use - Land use is the function or purpose of a particular area.
Industry - Industry is the business of turning raw materials into finished products usually in factories.
Population density - Population density is the number of people living in a defined area, e.g. 300 people per square kilometre.
Diversity - Diversity is the variety of human, physical or cultural characteristics in a geographical area.
Common misconception
Some learners may be less confident with the use of aerial images, maps and data.
Spend additional time recapping and consolidating learners' geographical skills in using maps and other sources of information.
Scissors; large pieces of paper; photographs, maps and information books about the UK
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions

an incorrect idea or opinion that someone might have about something
a set idea someone might have about a place which may not be true
the variety of human and physical characteristics in a place