Subtract multiples of ten from 2-digit numbers
I can use number facts to subtract multiples of ten from a two-digit number.
Subtract multiples of ten from 2-digit numbers
I can use number facts to subtract multiples of ten from a two-digit number.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- When subtracting multiples of ten from a two-digit number, the tens digit changes but the ones digit stays the same.
- We can use number facts to help us subtract multiples of ten from a two-digit number.
Multiples of ten - The numbers that are said when we count on in tens from zero. Multiples of ten always have a ones digit of zero.
Recombine - To add the parts of a number gained through partitioning the whole to reach the whole again.
Common misconception
Children may automatically count back in tens to subtract a multiple of ten.
Discuss efficiency and compare different methods. Use practical equipment to draw attention to the relationship between adding multiples of ten in two-digit numbers and the known facts they already possess.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

2 tens + 4 tens = 6 tens
50 + 30 = 80
40 + 50 = 90
Exit quiz
6 Questions

5 tens − 2 tens = 3 tens
80 − 60 = 20
90 − 40 = 50