Solve problems by adding and subtracting tens and ones
I can solve problems that require the addition and subtraction of tens and ones.
Solve problems by adding and subtracting tens and ones
I can solve problems that require the addition and subtraction of tens and ones.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- When tens and ones are combined to make a two-digit number, it can be represented as an addition equation.
- When a two-digit number is partitioned into tens and ones, it can be represented as a subtraction equation.
- We can use bar models to help us understand and represent a problem.
Addition - Finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.
Subtraction - Taking one number away from another.
Part - A piece or section of a whole
Whole - All of something; complete.
Common misconception
Children may confuse addition and subtraction on bar models and in problems, so may add instead of subtracting or subtract instead of adding.
Cuisenaire rods or strips of paper with numbers written upon them can be manipulated as bar models that represent a problem or equation. This way, the structure of the mathematics can be discussed.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions

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