Explore the numbers 6 to 10 using the parts and wholes on a number line
I can identify the whole and parts of the numbers 6 to 10 using a part-part-whole model and number line.
Explore the numbers 6 to 10 using the parts and wholes on a number line
I can identify the whole and parts of the numbers 6 to 10 using a part-part-whole model and number line.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Numbers 6 to 9 can be represented as two parts, one part of 5 and a smaller part.
- Part-part-whole relationships can be represented as a bar model or on a number line.
- A variety of representations, including a number line, can be used to explore the five and a bit structure.
Partition - To split a whole up into parts.
Whole - All of something. Complete.
Part - A piece or section of a whole.
Bar model - A pictorial representation of a problem where bars are used to represent the known and unknown quantities.
Number line - A line with numbers placed in their correct position.
Common misconception
Pupils may not connect more abstract representations of part-part-whole relationships with practical examples showing the five and a bit structure.
Take time to connect the representations pupils are familiar with e.g. show finger numeral representation alongside part-part-whole models and bar models to help pupils understand these all show the same relationship.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

5 is a part and 1 is a part.
5 is a part and 2 is a part.
5 is a part and 3 is a part.
5 is a part and 4 is a part.
Exit quiz
6 Questions