Recognise the value of 20 p, 50 p and £1 coins
I can recognise the value of 20 p, 50 p and £1 coins.
Recognise the value of 20 p, 50 p and £1 coins
I can recognise the value of 20 p, 50 p and £1 coins.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- It is more efficient to use 20 p and 50 p and £1 coins rather than using lots of smaller value coins.
- One pound has the same value as one hundred pence.
- When recording the number of pounds, we can use the pound sign.
- The pound sign must be written before the number of pounds.
- The pound sign and the pence sign are never written together.
Efficient - Not wasting time or effort. An efficient strategy is one we can carry out easily.
Pound sign - The symbol used, written before the pounds digit, to show the unit we are working in is pounds.
One pound - This is one of the ways we record one pound.
Common misconception
Children may be confused by the pound sign being written before the digit rather than after. They may also include the pence sign as well as the pound sign when recording using the decimal point.
Make deliberate errors for children to identify. Discuss the reason for correct notation. For example, explain that the pence sign is not needed in the decimal notation because we know the digits after the 'dot' (decimal point) indicate the pence.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions