Year 1

Using positional and proportional language

I can describe the position of an object using the correct vocabulary.

Year 1

Using positional and proportional language

I can describe the position of an object using the correct vocabulary.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Most positional words describe where an object is in relation to one other position.
  2. In between describes where an object is in relation to two other positions.

Common misconception

Children may confuse some of the terms such as 'below' and 'between'.

Create visuals to display which will prompt children to think about the meaning of each word. Give opportunities to explore these words in play, for example when building with blocks ask children to place the red block above the green block.


  • Above/below - Above shows the position of an object is higher than something else. Below shows that it is lower.

  • Over/under/on - Over/under shows the position of something is directly above/beneath something else. On shows that it is sitting on top of something else.

  • In front/behind - In front shows the position of an object is further forward than something else. Behind shows that it is further back.

  • Between - Between describes the position of an object being in the space separating two other objects.


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6 Questions

In which direction is the arrow pointing?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: left, Left, LEFT
True or false. This arrow is pointing to the left.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: False
Match the parts of the sentences.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:The church is on Izzy's,left


Correct Answer:The hous is on Izzy's,right


In which direction are the arrows pointing?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:Arrow 1 is pointing,down


Correct Answer:Arrow 2 is pointing,up


Which directions would help Pedro to find his family?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Up 1 square
Right 3 squares
Correct answer: Left 3 squares
Order the instructions that the mouse will take to find the cheese.
An image in a quiz
1 - Go left 3 squares
2 - Go up 2 squares
3 - Go left 1 square

6 Questions

Which image shows that Pedro is under something else?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Where is Pedro?
An image in a quiz
in front of the box
Correct answer: behind the box
on the box
Match the parts of the sentence to show the position of the toys.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:The teddy is,above the car

above the car

Correct Answer:The ball is,below the rocket

below the rocket

Correct Answer:The unicorn is,below the robot

below the robot

Correct Answer:The rocket is,above the ball

above the ball

Match the letter with the position of the frog,
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,in front of the log

in front of the log

Correct Answer:b,on the log

on the log

Correct Answer:c,behind the log

behind the log

Which is correct?
An image in a quiz
The tree is between the frog and the log.
The log is between the tree and the frog.
Correct answer: The frog is between the tree and the log.
Where is the car?
An image in a quiz
below the teddy
Correct answer: between the rocket and the ball
Correct answer: above the teddy