Using known addition and subtraction facts
I can use known addition and subtraction facts within 10 when solving problems.
Using known addition and subtraction facts
I can use known addition and subtraction facts within 10 when solving problems.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- In order to solve a problem, we must visualise and represent it. Once we can see a problem, we know what to calculate.
- We can represent a problem in many different ways, including as bar models, ‘First, Then, Now’ models and equations.
- To calculate a solution, we can use a range of strategies.
- We can use our knowledge of addition facts to help us solve subtraction facts.
- We can use our knowledge of subtraction facts to help us solve addition facts.
Represent - Showing something or standing for something.
Calculate - To work out an answer.
Efficient - Not wasting time or effort. An efficient strategy is one we can carry out easily.
Strategy - A plan or method to achieve a specific goal.
Common misconception
Children may recall a fact incorrectly, deploying the wrong strategy to calculate.
Revisit strategies for calculating within 10 including using knowledge of doubling, near-doubles, odd and even numbers and one more and one less. Spend time practising recall of these facts beyond the lesson.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

greater than 10
equal to 10
less than 10
Exit quiz
6 Questions

5 - 2 = 3
10 - 4 = 6
8 - 7 = 1