Year 1

Find how many five pence coins are needed to make a given amount

I can find how many 5 p coins are needed to make a given value.

Year 1

Find how many five pence coins are needed to make a given amount

I can find how many 5 p coins are needed to make a given value.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Skip counting can be used to work out how many 5 p coins are needed to make a given value.
  2. When you reach the value needed, you must stop counting.
  3. The number of 5 p coins needed will be less than the value of the item.
  4. Not all values can be made using only 5 p coins.

Common misconception

Children may confuse the number of coins with their value, so count in ones, or revert to counting in ones. They may have difficulty counting on to reach a value when some coins are already present.

Present situations where both 5 p and 1 p coins are used to reach the same amount to stress the difference in value. Compare sets of 1 p and 5 p coins with sets of 5 p coins drawing attention to the importance of the value of each coin.


  • Five-pence coins - A five-pence coin is a unit of money used in the UK. It has the same value as five one-pence coins.

  • 5 p - The value represented by five one-pence coins or one five-pence coin.

  • Value - Where referring to money, value refers to how much something is worth.

  • Fives - Another name for the multiples of five.


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6 Questions

Here is a set of 5 p coins. What is their total value?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 40 p
Jun has a set of seven 5 p coins. What is their total value?
7 p
70 p
Correct answer: 35 p
Which of the following can only be counted in fives.
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Jun has 20 p in his pocket. All his coins are 5 p coins. Which coins are Jun’s?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which item can be bought using only 5 p coins?
Correct answer: A cake costing 20 p
A banana costing 22 p
A sandwich costing 16 p
Match the coins that would represent an equal amount.
Correct Answer:100 p,ten 10 p coins

ten 10 p coins

Correct Answer:20 p,ten 2 p coins

ten 2 p coins

Correct Answer:50 p,ten 5 p coins

ten 5 p coins

6 Questions

A banana costs 45 p. How many 5 p coins would you need to pay for it?
Correct answer: 9
Jun wants to buy a sandwich costing 30 p. Which set of coins would he use to pay for it?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
The ice-cream costs 25 p. Each coin has a value of 5 p, so I will need ___ coins.
Correct Answer: 5
Sofia wants to buy a pen costing 25 p and a pencil costing 20 p. How many 5 p coins will he need to pay for them both?
Correct Answer: 9
Sofia has four coins of the same value. They are worth more than 8 p, but less than 40 p. What coins does she have?
Correct Answer: 5 p, 5 p coins
Jun has these 5 p coins. How many more coins will he need to buy a drink which costs 40 p?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 2