Year 3

Use knowledge of the relationship between the 2 and 4 times tables to solve problems

You can use the relationship between the 2 and 4 times tables to solve problems

Year 3

Use knowledge of the relationship between the 2 and 4 times tables to solve problems

You can use the relationship between the 2 and 4 times tables to solve problems

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Multiples of 4 are all multiples of 2 but not all multiples of 2 are multiples of 4
  2. Multiples of 4 are double the multiples of 2
  3. Multiples of 2 are half the multiples of 4

Common misconception

Pupils may find it difficult to solve problems or misunderstand questions.

Model clearly how to identify key phrases and words which will identify the operation and equation required for word problems.


  • Multiple - A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.

  • Double / doubling - To double means to become twice as many or to multiply by two.

  • Halving - Halving means to divide into two equal parts.

By this point fluency in 4 times tables will support children in solving these problems. Continue to chorally rehearse the 4 times tables.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which numbers are multiples of 2 and multiples of 4?
Correct answer: 16
Correct answer: 24
Match the start and end of the sentences to make them correct.
Correct Answer:If there are 10 wheels,there are five bikes

there are five bikes

Correct Answer:If there are 18 socks,there are 9 pairs

there are 9 pairs

Correct Answer:If there are 20 legs,there are 5 dogs

there are 5 dogs

Correct Answer:If there are 12 wheels,there are 3 cars

there are 3 cars

Match the groups of 2 to the groups of 4.
Correct Answer:2 groups of 2,1 group of 4

1 group of 4

Correct Answer:6 groups of 2,3 groups of 4

3 groups of 4

Correct Answer:8 groups of 2,4 groups of 4

4 groups of 4

Correct Answer:12 groups of 2,6 groups of 4

6 groups of 4

Multiples of 2 are the multiples of 4.
Correct answer: half
Match the calculation to the answer.
Correct Answer:Double 3,6


Correct Answer:Half of 10,5


Correct Answer:Double 6,12


Correct Answer:Half of 14,7


Correct Answer:Double 10,20


Correct Answer:Half of 16,8


Look at the image. Which calculations does the whole bar model show?
An image in a quiz
8 x 4 = 32
Correct answer: 8 x 2 = 16
8 x 5 = 40
Correct answer: 4 x 4 = 16

6 Questions

Look at this array. It shows 3 groups of 4. It also shows groups of 2.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 6, six
Match the parts of the sentence to make them correct.
Correct Answer:When one factor doubles,the product doubles

the product doubles

Correct Answer:When one factor halves,the product halves

the product halves

Correct Answer:Doubling means ,multiplying by 2

multiplying by 2

Correct Answer:Halving means,dividing by 2

dividing by 2

If 3 × 4 = 12, what is 6 × 4?
Correct Answer: 24
Match the calculations showing multiples of 2 with the equivalent multiples of 4.
Correct Answer:2 × 2 =,1 × 4

1 × 4

Correct Answer:8 × 2 = ,4 x 4

4 x 4

Correct Answer:10 × 2 =,5 × 4

5 × 4

Correct Answer:6 × 2 =,3 x 4

3 x 4

Andeep has been saving £2 coins. He has saved 7 coins. How much money has he saved altogether? £ .
Correct Answer: 14, £14, 14 pounds
Izzy is splitting her 20 eggs into boxes of 4. How many boxes will she need? boxes
Correct Answer: 5, 5 boxes, five