Explain how many '100s' and '200s', 1,000 is composed of
I can explain how many '100s' and '200s', 1,000 is composed of.
Explain how many '100s' and '200s', 1,000 is composed of
I can explain how many '100s' and '200s', 1,000 is composed of.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- There are ten 100s in 1,000
- There are five 200s in 1,000
- Knowing how many 100s and 200s 1,000 is composed of helps to interpret scales and measures.
- Knowing the composition of 1,000 can help to work out the meaning of each division on scales and number lines.
- We can use our knowledge of divisions on a scale to estimate.
Compose - The parts that make up the whole.
Counting in Multiples - When we count by a number other than 1
Divisions - Equal divisions can be found on a number line or scale for equal values.
Estimation - We find a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some thought or calculation involved.
Common misconception
Pupils unable to connect scale divisions with knowledge of composition of 1,000
Spend time developing confidence in counting in multiples of 100 and 200 to 1,000 before making explicit links between this and scales and measures. Use 'The whole is 1,000 and we have divided it into ___ parts of ___' when doing this.
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