Use multiplication facts to answer division questions
I can use multiplication facts to solve division problems, including those with remainders.
Use multiplication facts to answer division questions
I can use multiplication facts to solve division problems, including those with remainders.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Multiplication facts can be used to solve division equations and problems.
- In cases with a remainder, the largest multiple that is less than or equal to the dividend can be used.
- This indicates which multiplication fact should be used to find the number of equal groups.
- When the largest multiple is found, it is subtracted from the dividend to find the remainder.
Grouping - Grouping is when we divide a number of objects into equal groups. We know the total number of objects and the number of objects in each group, but we don't know how many equal groups there are.
Sharing - Sharing is when a whole amount is split into equal parts or groups. We know the total number of objects and the number of parts it is split into, but we don't know how many are in each part.
Remainder - A remainder is the amount left over after division when the dividend does not divide exactly by the divisor.
Common misconception
Children may choose the multiple that is higher than or closest to the dividend, for example to solve 47 divided by 6, they may choose 8 x 6 = 48 instead of 7 x 6 = 42
Choose smaller numbers to demonstrate the concept, using practical equipment and number lines to demonstrate why the number must be equal to or less than the dividend.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions
the largest multiple of 7 that is less than or equal to 58
the largest multiple of 5 that is less than or equal to 28
the largest multiple of 10 that is less than or equal to 82