Subtract a mixed number from a mixed number
I can subtract a mixed number from a mixed number explaining which strategy is most efficient.
Subtract a mixed number from a mixed number
I can subtract a mixed number from a mixed number explaining which strategy is most efficient.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- To subtract mixed numbers, we need to use our fraction-sense to determine the most appropriate strategy to use.
- Mixed numbers can be subtracted by counting back using a number line or by converting them to improper fractions.
- If mixed numbers are close, it is more efficient to ‘find the difference’ by counting forwards from part to whole.
Mixed number - A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction combined.
Improper fraction - An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
Common misconception
Children may believe that a smaller mixed number cannot be subtracted from a greater one if its fractional part is greater. E.g. five and three-quarters cannot be subtracted from six and one-quarter.
If the mixed numbers are close to each other, try to ‘find the difference’ by counting forwards on a number line from the part to the whole.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
$$ {7} \over {4}$$ − $$ {1} \over {4}$$ -
$$ {6} \over {4}$$
$$ {9} \over {4}$$ − $$ {2} \over {4}$$ -
$$ {7} \over {4}$$
$$ {9} \over {4}$$ − $$ {7} \over {4}$$ -
$$ {2} \over {4}$$
$$ {14} \over {4}$$ − $$ {2} \over {4}$$ -
$$ {12} \over {4}$$
$$ {6} \over {4}$$ − $$ {3} \over {4}$$ -
$$ {3} \over {4}$$
$$ {11} \over {10}$$ -
$$1{{1} \over {10}}$$
$$ {18} \over {10}$$ -
$$1{{8} \over {10}}$$
$$ {29} \over {10}$$ -
$$2{{9} \over {10}}$$
$$ {34} \over {10}$$ -
$$3{{4} \over {10}}$$
$$ {46} \over {10}$$ -
$$4{{6} \over {10}}$$
$$2{{4} \over {10}}$$ -
$$ {24} \over {10}$$
$$3{{4} \over {10}}$$ -
$$ {34} \over {10}$$
$$1{{6} \over {10}}$$ -
$$ {16} \over {10}$$
$$2{{1} \over {10}}$$ -
$$ {21} \over {10}$$
$$5{{3} \over {10}}$$ -
$$ {53} \over {10}$$
$$2{{7} \over {9}}$$ -
$$3{{1} \over {9}}$$ − $$ {3} \over {9}$$
$$1{{5} \over {9}}$$ -
$$2{{2} \over {9}}$$ − $$ {6} \over {9}$$
$$1{{6} \over {9}}$$ -
$$2{{1} \over {9}}$$ − $$ {4} \over {9}$$
$$3{{7} \over {9}}$$ -
$$4{{3} \over {9}}$$ − $$ {5} \over {9}$$
Exit quiz
6 Questions

$$ {4} \over {6}$$ -
$$3{{1} \over {6}}$$ − $$2{{3} \over {6}}$$
$$ {3} \over {6}$$ -
$$4{{2} \over {6}}$$ − $$3{{5} \over {6}}$$
$$ {5} \over {6}$$ -
$$4{{3} \over {6}}$$ − $$3{{4} \over {6}}$$
$$ {2} \over {6}$$ -
$$5{{1} \over {6}}$$ − $$4{{5} \over {6}}$$