Year 3

Converting between metres and centimetres

I can convert between metres and centimetres.

Year 3

Converting between metres and centimetres

I can convert between metres and centimetres.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Using the known fact that 100 cm are equivalent to 1 m can help us convert between cm and m.
  2. Partitioning and using the relationship between 1 m and 100 cm can help us convert between cm, and m and cm.
  3. It is always important to estimate so you know if your answer is near to the real value.

Common misconception

Some children may think that 300 cm is bigger than 3 m because 300 is a bigger number than 3.

1 m is equivalent to 100 cm. So 3 m is equivalent to 300 cm. 3 m and 300 cm are equal in length or height.


  • Equivalent - When something is equivalent, it is equal in value.

  • Convert - When we convert, we change the unit of measurement between metres and centimetres, but the value remains the same.

Show the equivalence between 1 m and 100 cm practically where possible e.g. using a metre ruler. Lots of chanting to help children recall the key fact that 100 cm is equal to 1 m.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which unit would you use to measure the length of a whale?
Correct answer: m
Which unit would you use to measure the length of a book?
Correct answer: cm
What is the length of this toy car?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 5 cm, Five cm, five cm, 5 centimetres, Five centimetres
What is the length of this twig?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 5 cm
7 cm
12 cm
Starting with the tallest, place these measurements in order of height.
1 - 90 cm
2 - 80 cm
3 - 50 cm
4 - 20 cm
5 - 10 cm
What is the height of this pebble?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 2 cm
7 cm
9 cm

6 Questions

When we change the unit of measurement between metres and centimetres, but the value remains the same, it is known as
Correct answer: converting
If one metre is equal to 100 cm, how many cm are 3 metres equal to?
Correct Answer: 300 cm, 300, 3 hundred, three hundred
Convert the height of this giraffe from metres to centimetres.
An image in a quiz
5 cm
50 cm
Correct answer: 500 cm
Match the lengths to their equivalent length.
Correct Answer:2 m,200 cm

200 cm

Correct Answer:400 cm,4 m

4 m

Correct Answer:6 m,600 cm

600 cm

Correct Answer:1 m 30 cm,130 cm

130 cm

Correct Answer:250 cm,2 m 50 cm

2 m 50 cm

Correct Answer:1 m 90 cm,190 cm

190 cm

Starting with the shortest, put these measurements in order of length.
1 - 1 m 10 cm
2 - 2 m 60 cm
3 - 430 cm
4 - 603 cm
5 - 6 m 30 cm
6 - 700 cm
A piece of ribbon is 4 m 90 cm long. 300 cm is cut away from the ribbon. What is the length of the ribbon now?
Correct Answer: 1 m 90 cm, 190 cm, 1 m 90