Year 5

Read and write negative numbers

I can read and write negative numbers.

Year 5

Read and write negative numbers

I can read and write negative numbers.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The negative or minus sign in front of a number shows that it is a negative value.

Common misconception

Pupils do not write negative numbers beginning with the negative symbol e.g. writing 3- and not -3.

Take time to model the writing of a negative number. "I know it is negative so I begin with the negative symbol."


  • Numeral - A symbol or name that stands for a number

  • Negative number - A number less than zero.

Give pupils frequent quickfire counting opportunities at different points in the day - for example, when lining up. This can be with a resource, such as a counting stick, or without. Count backwards and forwards across zero, initially in ones.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What word or number can be used to describe b on the image?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 0, zero, sea level, Zero, 0.
Match the letters with their description.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,first floor

first floor

Correct Answer:b,ground floor

ground floor

Correct Answer:c,first basement

first basement

Match the places with the correct description of their temperatures.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:Birmingham,Positive


Correct Answer:Swansea,Neither positive nor negative

Neither positive nor negative

Correct Answer:Edinburgh,Negative


Order these floors of a building from lowest to highest.
1 - second basement
2 - first basement
3 - ground floor
4 - first floor
5 - second floor
Match the keyword with the definition.
Correct Answer:temperature,how hot or cold something is

how hot or cold something is

Correct Answer:negative,numbers less than zero

numbers less than zero

Correct Answer:positive,numbers greater than zero

numbers greater than zero

Correct Answer:zero,shows that there is no amount

shows that there is no amount

Which of these can be thought of as a negative value?
Correct answer: The first of the floors below the ground floor of a hotel.
The first floor above the ground floor of a hotel.
Sea level.
Correct answer: Underwater.
Correct answer: A thermometer showing −10℃

6 Questions

Match the letter with the value.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,2


Correct Answer:b,1


Correct Answer:c,0


Correct Answer:d,−1


Label the floor with a number which describes it.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: -1, - 1, negative one, minus one
Laura uses the lift to go to the third floor below the ground. Use the negative symbol to write the number of the floor.
Correct Answer: -3, - 3
Order these elevations from highest to lowest.
1 - 75 m
2 - Sea level
3 - − 10 m
4 - − 75 m
Order these elevations from lowest to highest.
1 - − 120 m
2 - − 12 m
3 - 0 m
4 - 12 m
5 - 120 m
What is the temperature being shown on this thermometer?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: −28℃