Year 5

Use knowledge of positive and negative numbers to calculate intervals

I can use knowledge of positive and negative numbers to calculate intervals.

Year 5

Use knowledge of positive and negative numbers to calculate intervals

I can use knowledge of positive and negative numbers to calculate intervals.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Differences between values are always positive
  2. Calculating differences across zero is the same as bridging through zero

Common misconception

Pupils sometimes answer a question like ‘What is the difference between −5℃ and 3℃?’ with ‘−8℃’.

Remind pupils that these differences are always positive by asking them to count forwards from the lower value to the higher value.


  • Bridging - A strategy which uses addition or subtraction to cross a number boundary.

  • Partitioning - Splitting a number or object into smaller parts.

Generalisations within this lesson about negative numbers should be regularly reinforced. Using choral repetition or fill in the gaps are great strategies for this.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Tick all of the options that show 17 partitioned into two parts.
13 and 5
Correct answer: 9 and 8
Correct answer: 2 and 15
Correct answer: 12 and 5
8 and 7
Order these temperatures from warmest to coldest.
1 - 20℃
2 - 0℃
3 - −1℃
4 - −10℃
5 - −40℃
Tick all the statements that are true.
The temperature was −7℃. One hour later it was −5℃. It got colder.
Correct answer: −3℃ is warmer than −4℃.
−5℃ is colder than −7℃.
Correct answer: These temperatures are getting warmer as they go along: −7℃, −6℃, −4℃, −2℃
Put the following numbers into descending order.
1 - 0.1
2 - 0
3 - −0.01
4 - −16.5
5 - −17
38 + 49 =
Correct Answer: 87, 87., 87.0
Tick all the temperatures that would appear in between −30℃ and −20℃ on a number line.
Correct answer: −21℃
Correct answer: −25℃

6 Questions

The temperature was 5℃ in the day. Then it dropped to −4℃ at night. What was the change in temperature?
Correct Answer: 9, 9.0, Nine, nine
Izzy was on the −3rd floor of a hotel. She took the lift to the 4th floor. How many floors did she go up?
Correct Answer: 7, Seven, seven
A lift in a hotel goes up six floors from the floor marked −2. What floor is it now on?
Correct answer: 4
The temperature is −7℃. Calculate the new temperature if it drops by 6℃.
Correct Answer: −13, - 13, minus 13, minus thirteen, negative thirteen
There is a temperature increase of 5℃ from −11℃. What is the new temperature?
Correct Answer: -6, -6.0, - 6
A submarine is below the surface of the water at −20 m. It goes up 5 m, then down 25 m. Where is it now?
Correct answer: −40 m
−30 m
−10 m