Year 11

Charts and Tables (Pie Chart and Two way tables)

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Lessons (4)

  • In this lesson, we will learn how to interpret timetables and distance tables
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn how to design and interpret two-way tables. We will model how to solve problems involving two-way tables.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn how to plot and interpret time-series graphs. We will model how to solve problems using these graphs.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn how to draw and interpret pie charts from frequency tables. We will learn how to calculate angles that represent each proportion of data.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video