Year 9

What is aerobic training?

In this lesson, we will learn what the concept of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems are. We will learn how to use aerobics as a method of training and how to vary intensities to change between the different energy systems.

Year 9

What is aerobic training?

In this lesson, we will learn what the concept of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems are. We will learn how to use aerobics as a method of training and how to vary intensities to change between the different energy systems.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Pupils will learn about aerobics, in particualr cardiorespiratory fitness.
  2. Pupils will learn to understand the terms cardiorespiratory fitness and VO2Max.
  3. Pupils will demonstrate the ability to reproduce sustained periods of exercise.
  4. Pupils will learn about perseverance, self-motivation and overcoming personal challenge.


Something to use as markers (e.g. t-shirt), phone to time oneself, 2m hallway (clearance)

Content guidance

  • Physical activity required.


Adult supervision recommended.


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3 Questions

Which activity is working at the highest intensity?
Correct answer: Fast running that his difficult to maintain.
Light running that is easy to complete.
Light walking that is not very hard.
True or false, aerobic means using oxygen.
Correct answer: True.
Aerobic exercise primarily improves which component of fitness?
Correct answer: Cardiorespiratory fitness.

5 Questions

What is VO2max?
The amount of force applied when a muscle contracts.
The volume of carbon dioxide used per minute.
Correct answer: The volume of oxygen used per minute.
What is aerobic training?
Correct answer: A series of exercises that require oxygen for a prolonged period.
A series of exercises where the participant holds a stretch for 30 seconds.
Exercises when muscles contract against an external resistance.
Which is a response to exercise?
Decreased resting heart rate.
Correct answer: Increased working heart rate.
Which of these is an adaptation caused by exercise?
Increased body temperature.
Increased breathing rate.
Increased working heart rate.
Correct answer: Reduced body fat.
What does bradycardia mean?
Correct answer: The resting heart rate below 60bpm.
The resting heart rate below 70bpm.
The resting heart rate below 80bpm.