Distance from sounds: do and review
I can carry out and evaluate a fair test investigation about the volume of sounds.
Distance from sounds: do and review
I can carry out and evaluate a fair test investigation about the volume of sounds.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Scientists often record data from observations and measurements in tables.
- The volume of a sound depends on the distance from the sound source.
- The greater the distance from the sound source, the quieter the sound.
- Scientists often evaluate a completed investigation and suggest improvements.
Sound source - An object that vibrates to make a sound is called a sound source.
Volume - The volume of a sound is how loud or quiet the sound is.
Fair test - A fair test investigation is when only one thing is changed and another is measured. All other things are kept the same.
Evaluate - To evaluate is to think about what you did and suggest any changes or improvements.
Common misconception
Children may think that the volume of sounds are the same no matter how far away from them you are.
Children will carry out a fair test investigation to find out for themselves how the volume of a sound decreases with distance from the sound source.
Access to sound sources, metre rulers/tape measures and data loggers with sound sensor/sound meters.
Content guidance
- Risk assessment required - equipment
- Exploration of objects
Adult supervision required
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions