Distance from sounds: plan
I can make a plan to investigate how the volume of a sound depends on the distance from the sound source.
Distance from sounds: plan
I can make a plan to investigate how the volume of a sound depends on the distance from the sound source.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- A sound source is an object that vibrates to produce a sound.
- Scientists ask questions about how the volume of a sound depends on the distance from the sound source.
- A fair test investigation helps us to understand how one thing depends on or affects something else.
- The volume of a sound can be recorded using a data logger.
Sound source - An object that vibrates to make a sound is called a sound source.
Volume - The volume of a sound is how loud or quiet the sound is.
Distance - Distance is the amount of space between two things.
Enquiry - Enquiry means to investigate something to find out more.
Fair test - A fair test is an investigation in which only one thing is changed and another is measured. All other things are kept the same.
Common misconception
Children often think that sounds are inside the sound source waiting to come out. They may also think that the volume of sounds are the same no matter how far away from them you are.
Recap how sounds are made when an object vibrates. Children will plan an investigation to find out for themselves by measuring the volume of sounds as they move further away from the sound source.
This lesson is the planning phase of the enquiry, however, children may benefit from access to sound sources, metre sticks/tape measures and data loggers/sound meters.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions