Louder and quieter sounds
I can compare the volume of different sounds and identify loud and quiet sounds.
Louder and quieter sounds
I can compare the volume of different sounds and identify loud and quiet sounds.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Sounds are made when an object vibrates.
- Large vibrations create loud sounds and small vibrations create quiet sounds.
- Volume describes how loud or quiet a sound is.
- The volume of a sound can be changed.
Vibrations - A vibration is when an object moves very fast from side–to–side.
Loud - A loud sound is one that is easily heard, such as shouting.
Quiet - A quiet sound is one that is not as easily heard, such as a whisper.
Volume - The volume of a sound is how loud or quiet it is.
Compare - We can compare objects by looking at what is the same about them and what is different.
Common misconception
Pupils may only think that larger objects make louder sounds. They may not link the size of vibrations to the volume of sound.
Ensure plenty of opportunities for pupils to strike, tap, blow and shake objects to see how this affects the volume of sound produced.
Access to objects such as a whistle and any musical instruments, including a guitar, would be helpful but not essential.
Content guidance
- Exploration of objects
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions
loud sound
quiet sound
loud sound
loud sound
quiet sound