Contact forces
I can observe that some forces need contact between two objects and give examples from real life.
Contact forces
I can observe that some forces need contact between two objects and give examples from real life.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Pushes and pulls are forces
- Some forces are contact forces
- Contact forces are forces that act between two objects that are physically touching each other
- Pushing a car up a hill and kicking a ball are examples of contact forces
Force - A force is a push or a pull. Forces can make objects move, slow down, change direction or change shape.
Push - A push is a force that moves an object further away.
Pull - A pull is force that brings an object closer.
Contact force - Contact forces occur when objects are touching each other.
Venn diagram - A Venn diagram is a way of displaying how you group items. It is made up of overlapping circles.
Common misconception
Kicks/throws and catches are not pushes and pulls.
Explicit explanation that kicks and throws are pushes, and catches are pulls; that pushes and pulls can involve short term contact.
Task 3: elastic bands, a stringed instrument, scissors and paper, a wheeled toy
Content guidance
- Exploration of objects
Adult supervision recommended
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