Year 5

Solve a range of problems, including finding change

I can use efficient and reliable strategies to solve problems involving money, including finding change.

Year 5

Solve a range of problems, including finding change

I can use efficient and reliable strategies to solve problems involving money, including finding change.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Informal calculation strategies such as rounding and compensating can be applied to calculating with money.
  2. 'Same sum' and 'Same difference' can be applied to calculating with money.
  3. Column addition and subtraction can be used to calculate with money but is not always the most efficient strategy.

Common misconception

Pupils can sometimes see words like 'altogether' in a problem and assume it is an addition problem.

Provide lots of examples of contextualised problems and focus on mathematical language, including where it might be misleading.


  • Representation - A representation is a way of showing a mathematical idea. Concrete objects, pictures and symbols can all be used to represent mathematics.

Drawing a bar model alongside a word problem helps pupils to understand which words relate to which operations. Pupils struggling during the practice tasks may benefit from further bar models.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following are a representation of 50 p?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Match the values in the equation with the correct definitions. £10 − £2.75 = £7.25
Correct Answer:£10,minuend


Correct Answer:£2.75,subtrahend


Correct Answer:£7.25,difference


Use the subtracting and subtracting again strategy to solve this problem: I had £10. I bought one item for £3, one for £2 and one for 50 p How much money have I got left?
Correct answer: £4.50
Calculate: £4.37 + £6.85 = Remember to write your answer using the correct notation.
Correct Answer: £11.22, 11.22, 1122p, 1122 p
Calculate: £11.23 + £7.58 = Remember to write your answer using the correct notation.
Correct Answer: £18.81, 18.81, 1881 p
Calculate the change I would receive from £10 if I bought one item for £4.55, one for £1.45 and one for £1.50 p. Remember to write your answer using the correct notation.
Correct Answer: £2.50, 2.50, 250 p , 250p

6 Questions

Match the money amounts with their correct conversions.
Correct Answer:£4.70,470 p

470 p

Correct Answer:£47,4700 p

4700 p

Correct Answer:£0.47,47 p

47 p

Match the parts of the bar model with the correct terminology.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:£10,minuend


Correct Answer:£3.75,subtrahend


Correct Answer:?,difference


Read the word problem. Which is the correct calculation? Andeep goes to the shop and buys two items. He pays with £10 and receives £3.71 change. How much did he spend?
£10 + £3.71 =
Correct answer: £10 − £3.71 =
£3.71 + £10 =
£3.71 − £10 =
Read the word problem. Which is the correct calculation? Izzy and Aisha are collecting money for charity. They have collected £155 altogether. Aisha collected £70. How much has Izzy collected?
£155 + £70 =
Correct answer: £155 − £70 =
£70 − £155
£70 + £155 =
Izzy and Aisha are collecting money for charity. They have collected £185 altogether. Aisha collected £95. How much has Izzy collected? Remember to include correct notation in your answer.
Correct Answer: £90.00, £90, 90, 90.00
Andeep goes to the shop and buys two items. He pays with £10 and receives £3.71 change. One item cost £4.37. What does the other item cost? Remember to use correct notation in your answer.
Correct Answer: £1.92, 1.92, 192 p, 192p