Year 5

Use and explain the most efficient strategies when subtracting quantities of money

I can use and explain the most efficient strategies when subtracting quantities of money.

Year 5

Use and explain the most efficient strategies when subtracting quantities of money

I can use and explain the most efficient strategies when subtracting quantities of money.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Informal calculation strategies such as rounding and compensating can be applied to calculating with money.
  2. Same sum generalisation can be applied to calculating with money.
  3. Column subtraction can be used to calculate with money but is not always the most efficient strategy.

Common misconception

Pupils will often default to using the column subtraction method even when it is inefficient.

The slide deck gives examples of when column subtraction can be replaced by quicker, more efficient methods, such as 'counting on'.


  • Minuend - The minuend is the number being subtracted from.

  • Subtrahend - The subtrahend is a number subtracted from another.

  • Difference - The difference is the result after subtracting one number from another.

Some pupils may still need some of the calculations setting out for them as they develop confidence with the method. This scaffold should be removed as soon as possible.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Starting with the least, sort these money amounts.
1 - 47 p
2 - £0.87
3 - £1.00
4 - 101 p
5 - £1.07
Calculate: 386 − 124 =
Correct Answer: 262
Calculate: 3.86 − 1.24 =
Correct Answer: 2.62
A book costs £2.99. How much change do I get from £5? Remember to write your answer with the correct notation.
Correct Answer: £2.01, 2.01, 201 p , 201p
Calculate: 5.42 − 2.38 =
Correct Answer: 3.04
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition.
Correct Answer:minuend,the number being subtracted from

the number being subtracted from

Correct Answer:subtrahend,a number being subtracted from another

a number being subtracted from another

Correct Answer:difference,the result after subtracting on number from another

the result after subtracting on number from another

6 Questions

In the equation £4.40 − £1.05 = £3.35, which part of the calculation is the subtrahend?
Correct answer: £1.05
In the equation £4.40 − £1.05 = £3.35, what word might be used to label the £4.40?
Correct answer: minuend
I buy two magazines. One costs £4.82 and the other costs £2.41. What calculation needs to be performed to work out the difference in price?
£4.82 + £2.41
Correct answer: £4.82 − £2.41
£2.41 − £4.82
I buy two magazines. One costs £3.75 and the other costs £1.89. Work out the difference. Remember to write your answer using correct notation.
Correct Answer: £1.86, 1.86, 186 p, 186p
What is my change if I pay for a toy costing £12.99 with a £20 note? Remember to write your answer using correct notation.
Correct Answer: £7.01, 7.01, 701p, 701 p
Calculate: £40.80 − £12.95 = Remember to write your answer using correct notation.
Correct Answer: £27.85, 27.85, 2785p, 2785 p