
Lesson video

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Hello storytelling superstars.

It is me Miss McCartney, and I am so excited to be learning more about our wonderful story that we heard for the first time in Lesson One of unit 10.

Can you remember the two main characters from our story? Hmm.

Oh, I can hear them whispering, fantastic.

Our main characters are Ganashe and Karthakia.

Today we are going to be learning to tell our story from memory.

So we are going to speak the story together and then complete a plot matrix.

To be super successful in our lesson today, you are going to need three things.

You will need a piece of paper or something to write on, a pencil, or something to write with and your wonderful creative brain.

If you need to go and get any of those things, pause the video now.


So in today's lesson, we are going to start with our wonderful word warmup, we are then going to hear the story again.

And perhaps this time you will be able to join in.

We are then going to speak the story together, and we will check our understanding by completing our plot matrix.

Let's start with our wonderful word warmup.

Here are three images of animals that appear in our story.

Which adjective best describes all three images? So I would like you to pause the video and think of an adjective, any adjective that describes all three animals.

Wonderful, I could see some of our learners thinking really hard about their words.

Could you whisper the word to your screen? Oh, I had so many great objectives.

Let's move on to develop our language even more.

I have three adjectives, majestic, ferocious, or merciless.

I'm going to explain what each word means and I would like you to choose the one that you think describes all three animals the best.

If an animal is majestic, then they are really aloof and they think they are the best and they may move like a king or a queen.

If an animal is ferocious, then it will be savage and fierce.

And if an animal is merciless, then it is unapologetic and not very kind.

Pause the video now and decide which word you think best describes all three animals.


Now actually, there wasn't a right answer to that task.

I just wanted you to come up with your own opinion about the animals in our story.

We are now going to listen to our story again.

And as you listen to our story again, all I want you to think about what new details do you notice? One amazing thing about listening to stories is that we can learn something new every time.

This story is called "The Marriage of Ganashe." Elephant headed Ganashe sat inside of his library.

In two of his hands, he held a book and flipped through the pages.

In his other two hands, he cut and ate a mango.

Suddenly, his brother Karthakia rushed in, "brother, brother, I have something important to tell you.

"I have heard all about a wonderful princess named Buddy." She is intelligent, eloquent and kind.

Our community cannot stop talking about her wisdom of the world.

I would love to throw her a feast to celebrate her, and invite her family.

Ganashe sat back and stroked his elephant trunk.

"Ah, brother, this is interesting.

"I have also heard about the wonderful Buddy "and would like to host a celebration feast for her." Karthakia stopped, "that's not fair, it was my idea." He frowned and he thought, "ah, I have an idea brother.

`Perhaps we could fight, and whoever wins "will be able to host the feast." "No, no, no, said Ganashe, that's a silly idea.

"You are the god of war, and I would surely lose." Karthakia thought hard again.

"Hmm, I have another idea.

"How about we race around the world "and the winner who arrives back the quickest "will be able to host the feast." Ganashe thought long and hard again stroking his elephant trunk.

"Let me just be clear brother, "we can race around the world "in our own way that we choose?" "Yes," said Karthakia.

Ganashe sat back, "hmm, if we can race in our very own way, "then I will partake." Karthakia got ready near the door and counted down three, two, one, go.

Karthakia run as fast as he could until he arrived at the Himalayan mountains.

He climbed and he passed many animals on his way.

He saw eagles soaring below him.

He ran so fast and so high that he was soon in the clouds.

But he did not wait that long.

Although he could not see his brother.

He rushed back down the other side of the mountain until he came to the Chinese forests, where he passed panthers and other terrifying creatures.

Before long, he had made his way to the rice paddies where he weaved his way so not to disturb the growth of the rice.

Before long he came to the sea and he jumped in without hesitation.

He swam from island to island passing dolphins, sharks and fish.

He was very pleased with his progress, and he looked around the sea for his brother, yet he was not there.

He soon made his way past some buffaloes who told him some wonderful stories, but he could not stay long, for he had to jump back into the sea and weave his way through all of the ice running over Russia, and over the top of the rest of the world.

He passed polar bears, but still he did not wait long to hear their stories.

Before long, he arrived back at the palace.

Hmm he still had not seen Ganashe.

Ah, where did he find him? Sat in the library.

Karthakia was suspicious.

"Have you even raced around the world?" "Of course I have," said Ganashe.

"I said I would partake in the race." "Hmm, I would like you to prove it.

"Tell me where you had been." Ganashe told about his travels.

He spoke of the Himalayan mountains, of the rice paddies, of the buffaloes all the way across the top of the world.

Hmm Karthakia felt very disappointed for he had really wanted to win and to host the feast, but he congratulated his brother.

A few nights later, Ganashe hosted the wonderful feast.

There was food and drink and dancing and of course, Buddy and her family attended.

It just so happened that Buddy admired Ganashe just as much as he admired her.

And on the most beautiful day of the year, they married.

At the wedding feast, Karthakia approached Ganashe.

"Brother, did you really race all around the world?" "Hmm, said Ganashe, "whilst you running around the world, "I sat in my library and read my books.

"I read about every single country.

"So yes, I did race about the world, but in my own way." Hmm, Karthakia felt his heart sink.

Do you not think that's cheating? Now that we have heard our wonderful story again, we are going to practise being the storyteller ourselves.

And to do that, we need a magical storytelling microphone.

I've got my imaginary microphone in my hand.

It can look any way you choose.

So mine has got multicoloured dots with a glittery sparkle on the top.

What does your magical microphone look like? Ah, I can see so many wonderful magical microphones.

Now I am going to use my story map on the screen to help me to speak the story into my microphone.

I am going to show you first, and then I would like you to use your story map that you created in Lesson One of this unit.

Now to speak the story, we need to make sure we are sat up straight, and that we are projecting our wonderful story so that everybody can hear.

We are going to look at each picture on our story map.

I am going to do the first three pictures with you.

Hmm, right, how does our story start off? Elephant headed Ganashe was sat in his? Your turn, library.

And in two of his arms, he was holding a book.

In his other two arms, he was holding? Your turn.

A mango.

Suddenly, Karthakia, his brother rushed in and said he wanted to host a? Your turn.



But Ganashe had the same idea.

So Karthakia suggested they should have a fight.

Ganashe said, "no, no, no, that would be silly.

"You are the god of war and you would win." So Karthakia thought carefully again, and he asked his brother if they could race around the world.

Okay, I'm going to put my magical microphone down now because it is your turn.

So I would like you to start from the beginning of your story map.

Speak into your wonderful magical microphone and really tell the story.

Pause your video now to do that.

Wow, I could hear such wonderful storytellers.

If you would like, you can pause the video again for an extra challenge.

I would like you to turn over your story map so you cannot see the pictures.

And I would like you to speak into your magical microphone just from your memory.

If you get a little bit stuck, you can have a little look.

Pause your video now and speak the story into your magical microphone without looking.

Well done.

So, you could practise speaking your story into your magical microphone to your family or your teddy talk partner, and I am sure that they would love to see you as a storyteller.

Okay, we're going to move on to the next part of our lesson now.

We are going to be understanding our story a bit more to help us become super, super storytellers.

You can see I have got six words on my page, my turn your turn.

Where? Who? Problem? Your turn.

Solution? Your turn.

Ending? Your turn.

Learning? Your turn.


So what I would like you to do is to get a piece of paper and to draw six boxes and write down these six words.

Pause your video now to create your very own story matrix.

Okay, we are going to start by looking at our first box, and our first box is where? Now, where is our story set? This is a little bit tricky for our story because it has lots of different settings.

So I would like you to either remember or if you need a little bit of help, have a look at your story map and draw some really simple pictures to tell me where the story is set.

Pause your video now to do that.

Okay, I can already see some fantastic drawings.

Let's have a look at Miss McCartney's drawing.

Okay, I drew a castle because our story starts in the palace.

I drew the Himalayan mountains, the forest of China, the rice paddies, the island and the ice.

I wonder what you drew.

I hope you can see that by my pictures, you do not have to be a wonderful artist.

These pictures are for you to help you become a wonderful storyteller.

Let's move on to our next box.

Our next box is who? Now there are lots of different characters in the story, but I want to know who the main characters are.

Pause your video now and draw your main characters.

Fantastic drawing everybody.

I drew elephant headed Ganashe and then I drew Karthakia here with his sword because he is the god of war.

And then I drew Buddy with a crown because she is a princess.

Let's move on to our next box.

Now, what is the problem in our story? Our problem happens right at the beginning.

And it is a disagreement between Karthakia and Ganashe.

Can you draw the problem of our story? Pause your video now.

Fantastic drawing everybody.

Miss McCartney drew the feast with a question mark because Ganashe wanted to throw the feast for Buddy, and so did Karthakia.

So that was a problem in our story.

Let's move on to our next box in our plot matrix.

The solution.

Now solution means how was the problem solved? So how did Ganashe and Karthakia solve the problem? What did they decide to do? Hmm, pause your video now and draw the solution.

I can see lots of wonderful storytellers who are also artists.


Miss McCartney drew a world with an arrow to show that they decided to solve their problem by racing around the world.

I wonder if you drew the same image or a different image.

We are now on to our ending.

How did our story end? Now I love the story at the ending of our story.

So pause your video now and draw what you think happened at the end.

Wonderful work everybody.

I drew, Elephant headed Ganashe and Buddy with a love heart because they admired each other so much they got married.

But Karthakia is in the corner with a big question mark because in the end, he was very confused because Ganashe had kind of tricked him and hadn't really raced around the world, but had read all about the world in his books.

Now, this is our most important box, what did we learn from our story? Hmm, there might be quite a few different ideas.

So I'm really looking forward to see what you think.

What did we learn in our story? Pause your video now and draw what you think the learning was.

Ah, so I drew a face and it says rules and clear, because I learned that if you are going to challenge somebody to a game, you need to make sure the rules are really clear if you don't want to get tricked.

I wonder if you had some different ideas.

Can you whisper them to the screen now? Oh, I heard lots of different ideas.

Some people actually said the opposite to Miss McCartney and said that they learned that by not always telling all the rules, you can make your very own game.

That's a really good piece of learning as well.

Everybody, I would like you today to give yourself some shine, wiggle your fingers at yourself and make yourself feel all warm because your learning was fantastic.

Okay everybody, we have come to our final deep thinking question.

And my deep thinking question that I would like you to really think about is what other stories have you read that connect to this story? So it might be a story about a princess.

It might be a story about brothers, or it might be a story about racing.

Can you pause the video now and use the sentence stem, I am reminded of the story hmm because.

Wow, I can see such wonderful storytellers who know so many stories.

What I would like you to do now is to think about how you could tell somebody else about the connection between this story and the stories that you have already read.

Well done everybody for such wonderful learning today.

I am so proud.

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