Year 5
Forces including simple machines
Lessons (13)
I can explain why unsupported objects fall towards Earth.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can measure pushes and pulls using a force meter.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can plan an investigation to measure the effects of friction.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can carry out an investigation into friction and evaluate results.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can plan an investigation to identify the effects of air resistance.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can carry out an investigation into air resistance and evaluate results.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can plan an investigation to identify the effects of water resistance.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can carry out an investigation into water resistance and evaluate results.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can describe how levers can make difficult work easier.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can describe how pulleys can make difficult work easier.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can describe how gears can make difficult work easier.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can use my understanding of simple machines to invent something that can be used to make everyday work easier.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can describe how scientists and engineers collaborate, communicate, challenge each other's ideas and problem-solve together.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video