Changing the pitch of sounds
I can find patterns between the pitch of a sound and the length of the vibrating object.
Changing the pitch of sounds
I can find patterns between the pitch of a sound and the length of the vibrating object.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Pitch describes how low or high a sound is, and can be measured using a sound meter to detect pitch.
- The unit for measuring pitch is hertz (Hz).
- Scientists look for patterns in sets of results to tell them how one thing affects another thing.
- Changing the length of the vibrating object can affect the pitch of the sound it produces.
Pitch - Pitch is a measure of how high or how low a sound is.
Pattern - A pattern is a series of data that repeats in a recognisable way.
Affect - Affect is the change that occurs between two things that we can observe.
Results - The results of a test or enquiry is what happened or what was found out.
Vibrating - Vibrating is when an object moves very fast from side to side.
Common misconception
Children may think that the volume of sound and the pitch of sound is the same thing, or that high sounds are loud and low sounds are quiet.
It is important to expose children to a wide range of high and low pitched sounds. Continue to make the distinction between volume and pitch throughout this lesson.
See additional materials for further guidance.
Content guidance
- Exploration of objects
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions