Year 11
Love and relationships poetry continued
Lessons (12)
I can effectively summarise the poem 'Singh Song!'
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can explore how Nagra conveys a joyful relationship which subverts expectations.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can understand how Mew presents a dysfunctional relationship
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can write about the dysfunctional relationship in 'The Farmer's Bride'.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can explain how Browning presents a transgressive and abusive relationship.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can explore how Browning presents a transgressive and abusive relationship
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can identify similarities and differences between 'Singh Song', 'The Farmer's Bride' and 'Porphyria's Lover'
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can write about similarities and differences between 'The Farmer's Bride' and 'Porphyria's Lover'.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can explain how poets reflect the tropes of Romanticism.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can explain how the Brownings' poems subvert typical Victorian values.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can effectively evaluate context when writing about the Victorian poems in the anthology.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can include meaningful context when writing about modern poems in the anthology.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video